Monday, July 25, 2011

Winter wonderland...

And we were worrying that we hadn't had a 'real winter'!  My house, garden and along the road about 9.00am this morning.

Garden below the house
Lancewood and meuhlenbeckia in lower garden
Chez moi
Chez Rosie
Neighbour Lauren skiing down Merlincote Crescent 
Steve and Jayden at the Cholmondeley turnoff
My letter box


  1. Beautiful photos. Just looking at them makes me feel cooler. Here in Georgia (USA) today we were in the upper 90s.

    Thoughts in Progress
    Freelance Editing By Mason

  2. I don't think I'd cope well with upper 90s Mason!!

  3. Rosie looks so snug haha :)

  4. Amazing sights! And even more amazing: by Wednesday we were walking about in t-shirts, it was warm and windy, and the snow disappeared fast.

  5. Still couldn't get up my driveway until the Thursday Rob!

  6. I'm with Mason! An outside thermometer on a south facing sunny wall of my house read 104 degrees one day last week, here in Atlanta.

    These photos are Beautiful. Beautiful. Esp chez moi and rosie.
    The overall setting, so peaceful and pure---seems impossible that underneath it all wait the lingering effects of the quake. Such a paradox--the devastating and healing powers of nature.

    The names of your plants alone are enticing---not to mention the place names ---and sweet sweet Rosie.

  7. Well, that will be the first time anyone has called Rosie 'sweet'. I'll pass it on... ;-)

  8. If Rosie is not sweet, I don't want to know it. How could she be anything other, with a face like that?
