Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Where do you think...?

Chocolate fish for the first person to identify the location of this photo (and provide a postal address - for the fish!)


  1. Upstairs at the old Masonic Lodge in Lyttelton? Or the old Police Station?

  2. I'm thinking Ohinetahi, looking north/nor-east, just from the hills. It could be up-stairs at the vicarage, but I dunno. Certainly old: the window-frames are lass-century!

  3. Good tries Cheryl and Rob, but no...'tis a bit mean, but feel free to try again. Clue - the windows are quite high, camera angled upwards.

  4. A small church in Pigeon Bay? Niki

  5. The windows look a bit Mountfort-ish, but I'm stumped.

  6. OK, think high up windows, difficult to look out (why?). Longing (which I feel is captured in the dark/light/view). Definitely Lyttelton Harbour - south-east side of (if my compass point reading stands up). I took this photo while engaged in another activity also posted earlier on the blog. It's a building perhaps not normally open to the public...

  7. Ha, ha - could be very close depending on your perspective... Not fishy territory yet though

  8. ok a sunday school in Charteris Bay. I know if I was stuck in a sunday school I would be longing to get out. :o)

  9. Ah, close enough!! Congratulations!! It's the little school house in Charteris Bay, near the entrance to Orton Bradley Park. I'll do another post about it because I think it is a lovely building.

    An anonymous choc fish on its way....

  10. awww they taste so much better when they have a name :o)) thank you XX
